Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Fri Apr 12 14:40:35 UTC 2013

On 12 April 2013 04:45, Tobias Conradi <mail.2012 at tobiasconradi.com> wrote:

> D for %s never means anything else than 1:00 saving.

Within the current tz database, sure, that is presently the case.  But this
is not necessarily the case within ACTUAL practice; "D" could conceivably
be used to refer to a DST offset of any amount, since it is still "daylight
saving time", just of a different amount.

I am not making the argument here that the terminology is used this way in
Australia/Lord_Howe; only that if it is, then LHDT is a perfectly suitable
(and indeed, preferred) abbreviation for UTC+10:30+0:30 as observed there
in the summer.  To be clear, I haven't seen any evidence either way, but I
don't particularly believe any residents of Lord Howe Island would call it
"Lord Howe half-daylight time", because to them, half an hour is a full

Granted, this has not always been the case (see four summers from 1981–1982
to 1984–1985), but I suspect residents understood it as a change to
"daylight saving time" itself, while still referring to it in the same way.
 Whatever the case, we should reflect the terminology in use, and not aim
for anything more.

On 12 April 2013 08:38, <random832 at fastmail.us> wrote:

> You are inferring a systematism where non exists.


On 12 April 2013 04:22, Tobias Conradi <tobias.conradi at gmail.com> wrote:

> > We are not inventing anything new
> It has been proven you do in the scope of the DB.

I have not been part of this project for very long, but I believe most of
the "invented" abbreviations have been simply to fulfill POSIX requirements
where no commonly-used English terminology previously existed.  In the case
of Australia/Lord_Howe, one would presume that such terminology already
exists, so we should use that, whatever it is.

Tim Parenti
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