[tz] Not sure how to add to thread...

Marvel, Jim (CPCOE) Jim.Marvel at honeywell.com
Fri Apr 19 13:42:50 UTC 2013

Hi, I posted before about
Asia/Khandyga and Asia/Ust-Nera,
wondering if they will show up in the efele tz_database with their own Tzid

Can't find them as of October 8th  file.
Please let me know which polygons to be assigned to each of these Tzid.


Jim Marvel

Software Engineer II
Honeywell ESEA/CMS/CP/CoE
8323 Lindbergh Court
Sarasota FL 34243
Phone - 941.360.6209 (alt: 941.360.6213)
Fax - 941.355.9241
Jim.Marvel at Honeywell.com<mailto:nancy.ramm at honeywell.com>

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