[tz] [PATCH 2/3] * zone.tab (America/Shiprock): Remove.

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Aug 16 19:24:44 UTC 2013

This unnecessary duplicate of America/Denver was confusing, as it
incorrectly implied that 'Mountain Time - Navajo' differed from
'Mountain Time' either now or in the past.  Clarify this in a
better way, by mentioning in the Arizona entry that it doesn't
include Navajo.
 zone.tab | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/zone.tab b/zone.tab
index 73cabf6..86a9095 100644
--- a/zone.tab
+++ b/zone.tab
@@ -423,8 +423,7 @@ US	+465042-1012439	America/North_Dakota/New_Salem	Central Time - North Dakota -
 US	+471551-1014640	America/North_Dakota/Beulah	Central Time - North Dakota - Mercer County
 US	+394421-1045903	America/Denver	Mountain Time
 US	+433649-1161209	America/Boise	Mountain Time - south Idaho & east Oregon
-US	+364708-1084111	America/Shiprock	Mountain Time - Navajo
-US	+332654-1120424	America/Phoenix	Mountain Standard Time - Arizona
+US	+332654-1120424	America/Phoenix	Mountain Standard Time - Arizona (except Navajo)
 US	+340308-1181434	America/Los_Angeles	Pacific Time
 US	+611305-1495401	America/Anchorage	Alaska Time
 US	+581807-1342511	America/Juneau	Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle

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