[tz] Unacceptable recent changes

Petr Machata pmachata at redhat.com
Thu Aug 29 00:30:47 UTC 2013

Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at joda.org> writes:

> Merging these is clearly utterly RIDICULOUS.  They contain completely
> different data, and the 1970 argument simply won't wash.

It's "always" been the case that we only split zones that are unique
post-1970.  By the same token, we could merge zones that are the same

Whether there's value in there merges is debatable.  But since differing
pre-1970 data never were basis for zone fork, you can't rely on
correctness and completeness of this data anyway, so it's questionable
whether the effort expended in maintaining it is justified at all.


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