[tz] A simple JavaScript library for timezone handling

Shawn Steele Shawn.Steele at microsoft.com
Sun Feb 3 19:03:49 UTC 2013

FWIW: The ECMAScript folks are working on globalization stuff for JavaScript, including looking at timezones...  Of course creating new standards and getting them implemented takes a while, but I thought I'd mention it...


From: "L. David Baron" <dbaron at dbaron.org>
Subject: [tz] A simple JavaScript library for timezone handling
To: tz at iana.org

A while ago I wrote a simple JavaScript library for timezone handling in JavaScript.  It provides a simple API described here:
and has build scripts to convert the necessary data from the tz database into JSON format to include in the script.  The end result including the code and the data, gzip-compressed, is about 74 KB.

I keep hoping I'd get a chance to make some additional improvements before announcing it, but that served only to delay announcing it and not to lead to additional improvements.  Since it might be useful to others in its current form, I thought I'd share it on this list.

It is:  https://github.com/dbaron/tz.js


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