[tz] Morocco DST Interruption

Andrew Paprocki andrew at ishiboo.com
Mon Jul 8 15:34:07 UTC 2013

On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 3:27 AM, Chandrashekhar Karmarkar <
chandrashekhar.karmarkar at accelyakale.com> wrote:

> Moroccan Government at IANA level and appraise them about the impact of
> such
> last minutes changes to DST interruption / suspension. It would be better
> to
> suggest Moroccan Government to apply such DST interruption to start on
> Sunday prior to start of Ramadan and to end on Sunday after Ramadan Eid and
> that too as a rule. This is what precisely they have done now.

I reached out to the Casablanca Bourse, since that is who sent notice, to
suggest exactly this. I figure there is a greater chance that someone at
the Bourse is in contact with members of the legislature and would be in a
better position to inform them as to how it affects their customers and
make suggestions for the future, such as the explicit Sunday rule. I will
update if I receive any response.

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