[tz] Number of active tz regions?

David Patte ₯ dpatte at relativedata.com
Wed Jul 17 17:44:52 UTC 2013

Thank you all. This is what I understood as well.

On 2013-07-17 13:32, Tim Parenti wrote:
> On 17 July 2013 12:53, David Patte ₯ <dpatte at relativedata.com 
> <mailto:dpatte at relativedata.com>> wrote:
>     Am I correct to say, that for every lat/lng there (theoretically)
>     exists a zone in that country and/or region that represents its
>     timezone rules since 1970; that if no tz zone exists in that
>     country and/or region that represents it clock rules since 1970
>     correctly, that a new zone is to be created in tz for it?
> In theory, yes, that is my understanding.  Of course, in international 
> waters, the zone that "correctly" represents the local rules would be, 
> e.g., Etc/GMT-3, but in general, if an existing set of rules does not 
> properly cover a region (for all timepoints since 1970), a new zone is 
> to be created.
> On 17 July 2013 12:53, David Patte ₯ <dpatte at relativedata.com 
> <mailto:dpatte at relativedata.com>> wrote:
>     I am looking at this from the perspective of timezone boundaries;
>     that tz boundaries (theoretically) don't change unless new tz
>     zones are created, or it is discovered that a latlng's clock
>     'rules' since 1970 can be more accurately be described by a
>     different tz zone?
> The tz project neither defines nor tracks zone boundaries; however, it 
> is sometimes helpful to think of zones in this manner.  Obviously such 
> boundaries would change upon the creation of a new zone.  You could 
> make the case that such boundaries would also change if it is 
> discovered at some point that location A better matches zone X than 
> zone Y, but as long as location A is not itself defined in zone.tab, 
> this does not affect tz data, and thus does not concern the tz project 
> beyond documenting appropriate commentary.
> --
> Tim Parenti


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