[tz] Discussion in ECMA about tz identifiers in JavaScript[Scanned] [Scanned]

Goudge, Stephen stephen.goudge at petards.com
Tue Mar 5 18:16:40 UTC 2013

>>Have any tz id's ever disappeared in the past? 
>>Even if they have, perhaps the tz project could guarantee that none will disappear in the future. 
>>--apb (Alan Barrett) 

>I think that there *was* one zone that appeared, was deemed to be a mistake a few weeks later and then >disappeared again, within the last couple of years; I'll have to check my records when I get home to verify this, >but I certainly recall my validation routines throwing up errors about this.

The entry I was thinking of was Europe/Tiraspol, which appeared in tzdata2011m and was removed again in tzdata2011n - in the latter it was "replaced" by an alias (for Europe/Chisinau) so *most* uses of the tzdata would trundle along fine...

Stephen Goudge 

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