[tz] Timezones Morocco 2013 incorrect

Adam Sampson ats at offog.org
Wed Mar 6 19:14:12 UTC 2013

Patrice Scattolin <patrice.scattolin at oracle.com> writes:

> Since we have no idea of emacs' algorithm [...]

Emacs is free software; it's possible to see what algorithm it uses by
examining the (well-commented) source code:


> For the record, anyone who would want to do to the math themselves is
> encouraged to look at Astronomical Algorithms
> http://www.amazon.com/Astronomical-Algorithms-Jean-Meeus/dp/0943396611

And that's exactly what Emacs' code is based on, as it happens!


Adam Sampson <ats at offog.org>                         <http://offog.org/>

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