[tz] Ambiguous abbreviations for Australian timezones when daylight savings is in affect
Tobias Conradi
mail.2012 at tobiasconradi.com
Fri May 3 17:48:49 UTC 2013
On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 1:24 AM, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:
> For example, you gave a link to the
> NSW Dept of Attorney General & Justice saying that in summer, eastern time
> is abbreviated "AEDT". But that very web page also says, in another
> place, that the abbreviation is "EDST". So this single source contradicts
> the assertion that abbreviations are consistently used by the NSW
> government.
> Here's that URL again:
> http://www.communityrelations.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/cru/daylight/definitions_of_time.html
> And the EDST-related quote from that page:
> "Daylight saving or summer time is commonly expressed as EDST (Eastern Daylight Saving Time)."
For the record:
2013-03-31 Tobias Conradi sent via
Two abbreviations used for what looks like one thing at
1) EDST: Daylight saving or summer time is commonly expressed as EDST
(Eastern Daylight Saving Time).
2) AEDT: NSW, ACT,Vic and Tas move from AEST to Australian Eastern
Daylight Time (AEDT), ...
2013-04-30 communityrelations.lawlink.nsw.gov.au emailed
(to a wrong email address, so that's why I sent it today):
30/04/2013 10:54 AM
Please respond to
.... agd.nsw.gov.au
.... tobiasconradi.com
Your online feedback about daylight saving (matter13/002220)
Dear Mr Conradi
Thank you for the feedback, which you submitted regarding abbreviations that
are used on the Department's website for daylight saving.
You may be interested to know that the Department has noted your concerns
and has updated its website accordingly.
Thank you for taking the time to make your concerns known.
Yours faithfully
for Director
Community Relations Unit
NSW Department of Attorney General & Justice
Locked Bag 5111, Parramatta NSW 2124
Tobias Conradi
Rheinsberger Str. 18
10115 Berlin
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