[tz] Unable to compile Antarctica/Macquarie
Alan Gutierrez
alan at prettyrobots.com
Thu May 23 02:21:46 UTC 2013
I'm compiling the TZ database using the using the `zic` from the source
distributed with the database checked out from GitHub. I'm using the commit that
relates to the `tz2013c` release. I'm not able to get an Australian EST timezone
offset for dates before October 1916 for Antarctica/Macquarie.
I'm using both Ruby 1.9.3p392 and GNU date 8.15.
When I compile the TZ database at commit 188b29d966; "Fix times of habitation
for Macquarie to agree with Tasmania history" I get the unhabited offset and
% TZ="$PWD/build/zoneinfo/Antarctica/Macquarie" date -d "1916/09/30 16:00 UTC"
Sun Oct 1 03:00:00 EST 1916
% TZ="$PWD/build/zoneinfo/Antarctica/Macquarie" date -d "1916/09/30 15:59 UTC"
Sat Sep 30 15:59:00 zzz 1916
When I compile the TZ database at commit a676f5ad3b; "Macquarie Island is
politically part of Australia, not Antarctica" I get the correct offset and
% TZ="$PWD/build/zoneinfo/Antarctica/Macquarie" date -d "1916/09/30 16:00 UTC"
Sun Oct 1 03:00:00 EST 1916
% TZ="$PWD/build/zoneinfo/Antarctica/Macquarie" date -d "1916/09/30 15:59 UTC"
Sun Oct 1 01:59:00 EST 1916
Using this commit, if I change the date of the first line of the Zone from "1899
Nov" back to "1911", it starts to work again.
Here is the change set that causes the confusion.
I am on a 32-bit system but in my experience, I'm always able to get a correct
timezone offset for dates in 1916 regardless of whether or not the zone begins
before the range of a 32-bit POSIX time.
Alan Gutierrez ~ @bigeasy
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