[tz] Acre, Brazil time zone change passed in Senate, waiting for President

Steffen Thorsen thorsen at timeanddate.com
Thu Oct 17 11:21:07 UTC 2013

On 09.10.2013 11:06, Steffen Thorsen wrote:
> According to multiple news sources, Acre and some western parts of 
> Amazonas will probably change time zone later this year, going one 
> hour back.
> The change has been approved in the senate, but the president could 
> veto it, but that is unlikely to happen. The date for the change is 
> not yet announced.
> Our short summary, in English:
> http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/acre-amazonas-change-time-zone.html

According to a news source, Senator Jorge Viana announced that Acre will 
change time zone on November 10.
He did not specify the time of the change, nor if western parts of 
Amazonas will change as well:


Best regards,
Steffen Thorsen - timeanddate.com

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