[tz] What is LMTZ?

Lester Caine lester at lsces.co.uk
Wed Sep 18 21:48:41 UTC 2013

Guy Harris wrote:
>> Anyway, I think I am starting to get the picture.  When you say "LMTZ" you mean something like "A standardised time that applies across a geographical zone of significant size."  I think it's confusing for you to refer to this time using a phrase that includes the words "Local Mean Time".
> Yes.  Standard time*happens*  to be local time for some locations, but it's*not*  local time for most of the locations to which it applies, and the locations for which it happens to be local time are less interesting than the resulting time offset (if you really*want*  the longitude for those locations, you can calculate it from the time offset).
> Let's just call it "standard time" - or, if you want to distinguish between time that doesn't shift over time and time that does ("daylight savings time", "summer time", etc.), call it "standard time without daylight savings time" or "standard time without summer time" or "standard time without seasonal shifts" or....

I prefer Alan's simplification.

Yes that is all I'm trying to get at. but the point is that it is simply an 
agreed time for a location which may change as a location uses one or other 
'standard'? And that all this needs is a date and an offset. At some point in 
the future we may also need a 'clock' but I suspect that will not be so well 

Lets keep the term 'timezone' for the more complex rules involving all the 
annual changes which is the only time 'rules' are required? Does that simplify 
the number of timezones problem?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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