[tz] Large scale changes proposed in 2014f

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Fri Aug 1 12:11:44 UTC 2014

On 1 August 2014 01:53, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:
> Finally, it isn't much of a maintenance burden to keep the bogus
> data in the current format; the main problem with the bogus data is that
> it's bogus, not that it needs formatting.

This is what confuses me. The minimum effort is to not touch the data
at all, which pleases those of us wanting stability. Could an approach
where those lines considered bogus are tagged with an end of line
comment? For example:

Zone Africa/Nouakchott -1:03:48 - LMT 1912
0:00 - GMT 1934 Feb 26   # BOGUS
-1:00 - WAT 1960 Nov 28   # BOGUS
0:00 - GMT

Such an approach applied generally would preserve the data until it is
definitively replaced with something better and allow it to clearly be
tagged as of low quality. Applications could choose to parse a
specific comment format and eliminate the data, but they would be
under no obligation to do so.


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