[tz] [PATCH] The word "data" is plural.

Eric Muller eric.muller at efele.net
Sun Aug 17 21:26:56 UTC 2014

On 8/13/2014 11:22 AM, John Haxby wrote:
> English, she said, is defined by use, unlike French which is defined 
> by mandate.

A total misconception (about French).

At best, there are groups who think they are defining the language, but 
just like with any other language, speakers do whatever they want to do.

The "Académie française" in particular is interesting. It's latest 
complete dictionary is currently the 8th edition, completed in 1935. The 
"new" edition, started in 1986, is currently towards the end of the 
letter Q. I am trying to live long enough to learn if I can use the word 
"serenpidité" but I am not holding my breath.

On the other hand, there many linguists do record what the speakers say 
and writers write. A good example, in the area of grammar, is the famous 
"Le bon usage", by Grévisse, which is very inclusive.


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