[tz] Chile Time Change
Brian Inglis
Brian.Inglis at shaw.ca
Wed Feb 19 17:34:55 UTC 2014
Cleaned up Google Translate of first section of http://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl//media/2014/02/19/do-20140219.pdf:
No. 307 - Santiago, January 30, 2014 - Regarding: The provisions of Article 32 No. 6 of the Constitution of the Republic, in Article 1 of Law No. 20,502, in the supreme decrees Nos. 1489, 1970, and 1142, 1980, both by the Ministry of the Interior, and Resolution No. 1,600, of 2008, by the Comptroller General of the Republic, and
1. In hydrological terms, the year 2013 provided rainfall below normal in much of the country, which has resulted in lower river tributaries available for hydropower generation and irrigation.
2. That one of the main foundations for extending the duration of summer time corresponds to savings in electricity consumption product better use of natural light.
3. The Ministry of Energy, through communication No. 88, dated January 21, 2014, recommended to renew this year the modification time arranged by Supreme Decree N° 153 of 2013, for the reasons indicated therein.
4. Grounds that determines the desirability of extending DST ordered by Supreme Decrees Nos. 1489, 1970, and 1142, 1980, both by the Ministry of the Interior, and their amendments.
Decree :
*Article One:* Amend Presidential Decree No. 1,489, of 1970, by the Ministry of Interior, in the following sense:
Provides that the advancement of Continental Chile official time provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1,489, of 1970, the Ministry of Interior in regard to 2014, will extend until midnight on the last Saturday in April, and resume from midnight on the first Saturday in September.
*Article Two:* Amend Presidential Decree No. 1,142, of 1980, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 61 of 1982, both by the Ministry of the Interior, in the following sense:
Provides that the advancement of the official time of Western Insular Chile provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1142 of 1980, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 61 of 1982, both by the Ministry of the Interior, in relation to 2014, will run until midnight on the last Saturday in April, and resume from midnight on the first Saturday in September.
Signed, regulated and published.- ANDRES CHADWICK PIÑERA, Vice President.- Rodrigo Ubilla Mackenney, Minister of Interior and Public Security (S).
Forwarded for your information.- Attention of, Maria Claudia Alemparte Rodríguez, Acting Secretary of the Interior.
On 2014-02-19 06:58, José Miguel Garrido wrote:
> Today appeared in the Diario Oficial a decree amending the time change
> dates to 2014.
> DST End: last Saturday of April 2014 (Sun 27 Apr 2014 03:00 UTC)
> DST Start: first Saturday of September 2014 (Sun 07 Sep 2014 04:00 UTC)
> http://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl//media/2014/02/19/do-20140219.pdf
> El 18-02-2014 16:49, José Miguel Garrido escribió:
>> Chile official time, time zones of their territory and start and end
>> dates of summer time were defined by Decreto Supremo in 1970. That
>> indicates that DST rules from 24 hours on the second Saturday of October
>> until 24 hours on the second Saturday in March. In the years 2010, 2011,
>> 2012 and 2013 the start and end dates of summer time were changed for 4
>> Decrees, which modified the start and end dates for each of those years.
>> Therefore, the change was not permanent (although dates in 2011, 2012
>> and 2013 coincided). That's why, while a new decree does not appear to
>> alter dates to 2014, is kept ending date of daylight saving 24 hours of
>> the second Saturday in March (Sun, 9 Mar 2014 3:00 UTC). To date, no
>> official information on whether this year will occur a change of dates.
>> El 18-02-2014 11:56, Glenn Eychaner escribió:
>>> That much notice would be a blessing. In years before 2013, the changes were made with as little as 5 days notice (notice Monday for a change in the date scheduled for the following Saturday). And as I said before, we have a goverment change on March 11, so all bets are off.
>>> -G.
>>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:48 AM, tz-request at iana.org wrote:
>>>> Although that is a reasonable assumption, the 2013 announcement wasn't
>>>> until February 15 and it's only February 17 now, so I'm somewhat
>>>> inclined to give it a few more days, unless we get more-definite
>>>> information.
>>> --
>>> Glenn Eychaner (geychaner at lco.cl)
>>> Telescope Systems Programmer, Las Campanas Observatory
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis
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