[tz] Canada/East-Saskatchewan

Chris Walton Chris.Walton at telus.com
Mon Jul 28 16:29:52 UTC 2014


I don't know how the database ended up with a backward entry for "Canada/East-Saskatchewan".

If Canada/East-Saskatchewan means anything at all, one might assume it refers to  "eastern Saskatchewan" as defined in the Saskatchewan Time Act.
Note: The definition of "eastern Saskatchewan" in the time act is based on old school district boundaries.
The school districts were redefined and renumbered in 2006; you need to look at an old map to see where the old school districts used to be.

In any case, I think that changing the entry for Canada/East-Saskatchewan would cause more harm than good.


-----Original Message-----
From: tz-bounces at iana.org [mailto:tz-bounces at iana.org] On Behalf Of Eric Muller
Sent: July 26, 2014 02:18 PM
To: tz at iana.org
Subject: [tz] Canada/East-Saskatchewan

The file backward contains those two links:

Link    America/Regina        Canada/East-Saskatchewan
Link    America/Regina        Canada/Saskatchewan

If I am not mistaken, Saskatchewan can be divided in four areas:

- the area around Swift Current, using the rule America/Swift_Current
- an area to the west, around Lloydminster, using the rule America/Edmonton
- an area to the east, around Denare Beach and Creighton, using the rule America/Winnipeg
- the rest of the province, using the rule America/Regina

I wonder if Canada/East-Saskatchewan was meant for the area to the east, and should therefore be linked to America/Winnipeg instead?


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