[tz] Non-ASCII outside comments?

Philip Newton philip.newton at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 15:30:04 UTC 2014

On 25 June 2014 17:17, Arthur David Olson <arthurdavidolson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Prompted by the introduction of non-ASCII into comments, I checked how zic
> handles a...
>     Zone America/San_José
> ...line and discovered that, at least on the test system, it seems to do a
> right thing.
> Should zic permit non-ASCII characters in zone names? In time zone
> abbreviations?

I think that non-ASCII should, for now, be kept out of things that
turn into file names at some point.

Browsers, email clients, and editors have pretty caught up with UTF-8
by now, but file managers are, at least in some cases, still ‘getting
there’, and may not be able to handle files containing non-UTF-8
characters properly, especially on Windows systems if the character is
not present in the system code page. (So a ‘ø’ would be a little bit
OK on a Western European Windows but a ‘ř’ would not, while on a
Central European Windows the opposite might be true.)

Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com>

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