[tz] More Javascript Libraries

Matt Johnson mj1856 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 25 23:32:58 UTC 2014

For consideration in tz-link.html.  Feel free to adjust wording.


Moment-Timezone is a time zone plugin for Moment.js, a feature-rich JavaScript library for parsing, validation, manipulation and display of dates. It includes a data-builder utility that parses the tz source files. It is freely available under the MIT License.


Walltime-js is a JavaScript library that performs simple time zone conversions. It includes a grunt script that parses the tz source files. It is freely available under the MIT License.


Timezone is a JavaScript library that offers an API for time zone conversions, time zone aware date math, and time zone and locale aware date formatting. It includes a makefile that reads the binary output of zic to create data files that can be read by the script. It is freely available under the MIT License.  

Matt Johnson 		 	   		  

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