[tz] zic tweak to warn about non-ASCII in filenames

Arthur David Olson arthurdavidolson at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 23:37:28 UTC 2014

To help ensure that non-ASCII characters don't appear in distribution
changes to zic.c so that the "-v" option warns about them. Both attached and
tab-mangled below.


*** /tmp/,azic.c    2014-06-25 19:32:44.803874900 -0400
--- /tmp/,bzic.c    2014-06-25 19:32:44.906880800 -0400
*** 134,139 ****
--- 134,140 ----
  static int    itsdir(const char * name);
  static int    lowerit(int c);
  static int    mkdirs(char * filename);
+ static void    namecheck(const char * name);
  static void    newabbr(const char * abbr);
  static zic_t    oadd(zic_t t1, zic_t t2);
  static void    outzone(const struct zone * zp, int ntzones);
*** 621,632 ****
--- 622,652 ----
      return (errors == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

+ #define BENIGN    "+-_/"
+ static void
+ namecheck(const char * const name)
+ {
+     register const char *    cp;
+     if (!noise)
+         return;
+     for (cp = name; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
+         if (!isascii(*cp) ||
+             (!isalnum(*cp) && strchr(BENIGN, *cp) == NULL)) {
+ warning(_("file name %s has non-ASCII-alphanumeric character other than
+                     name, BENIGN);
+             return;
+         }
+ }
  static void
  dolink(const char *const fromfield, const char *const tofield)
      register char *    fromname;
      register char *    toname;

+     namecheck(tofield);
      if (fromfield[0] == '/')
          fromname = ecpyalloc(fromfield);
      else {
*** 1495,1500 ****
--- 1515,1521 ----
      void *typesptr = ats + timecnt;
      unsigned char *types = typesptr;

+     namecheck(name);
      ** Sort.
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*** /tmp/,azic.c	2014-06-25 19:32:44.803874900 -0400
--- /tmp/,bzic.c	2014-06-25 19:32:44.906880800 -0400
*** 134,139 ****
--- 134,140 ----
  static int	itsdir(const char * name);
  static int	lowerit(int c);
  static int	mkdirs(char * filename);
+ static void	namecheck(const char * name);
  static void	newabbr(const char * abbr);
  static zic_t	oadd(zic_t t1, zic_t t2);
  static void	outzone(const struct zone * zp, int ntzones);
*** 621,632 ****
--- 622,652 ----
  	return (errors == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
+ #define BENIGN	"+-_/"
+ static void
+ namecheck(const char * const name)
+ {
+ 	register const char *	cp;
+ 	if (!noise)
+ 		return;
+ 	for (cp = name; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
+ 		if (!isascii(*cp) ||
+ 			(!isalnum(*cp) && strchr(BENIGN, *cp) == NULL)) {
+ warning(_("file name %s has non-ASCII-alphanumeric character other than %s"),
+ 					name, BENIGN);
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+ }
  static void
  dolink(const char *const fromfield, const char *const tofield)
  	register char *	fromname;
  	register char *	toname;
+ 	namecheck(tofield);
  	if (fromfield[0] == '/')
  		fromname = ecpyalloc(fromfield);
  	else {
*** 1495,1500 ****
--- 1515,1521 ----
  	void *typesptr = ats + timecnt;
  	unsigned char *types = typesptr;
+ 	namecheck(name);
  	** Sort.

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