[tz] No Virgin Islands Data

Alan Barrett apb at cequrux.com
Sat Mar 1 10:10:48 UTC 2014

On Sat, 01 Mar 2014, Hank W. wrote:
>The data for the Virgin Islands, both British & US, is missing.  I checked
>an old dataset (2012j) and found them at the end of the northamerica file.
>They have since been replaced by a note saying 'see southamerica', but
>they're not in the southamerica file, either.

iso3166.tab has:

VG      Virgin Islands (UK)
VI      Virgin Islands (US)

zone.tab has:

VG      +1827-06437     America/Tortola
VI      +1821-06456     America/St_Thomas

The southamerica file contains these lines (among other Link lines):

Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Vincent
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Tortola

Putting that all together, the information for the Virgin Islands 
(UK and US) is present.  However, it might be useful if the 
"southamerica" also contained comments giving the country names 
and a rationale for the "Link" lines.  I know that I like to be 
able to search for a country name in the input files.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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