[tz] Crimea to switch to Moscow Time as of March 30, 2014

lennox at cs.columbia.edu lennox at cs.columbia.edu
Mon Mar 17 16:16:46 UTC 2014

On Monday, March 17 2014, "Paul Eggert" wrote to "Alexander Krivenyshev, tz at iana.org" saying:

> Alexander Krivenyshev wrote:
> > http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_03_17/Crimea-to-switch-to-Moscow-Time-as-
> > of-March-30-8334/
> Thanks for the heads-up.  That notice says that they'll switch to Moscow 
> Time at 2pm, which means they'd advance their clocks by an hour once at 
> 01:00 UTC (03:00 local time) and once again at 14:00 local time.  Do you 
> think they'll really do that, or do you think that the notice or 
> translation is incorrect and Crimea will simply advance the clocks by 
> two hours at 01:00 UTC (03:00 local time)?

The other question is whether the area that's moving to Moscow time is
same as the existing Europe/Simferopol zone?  The comment in the source says
"central Crimea" moved to Moscow time in 1994-1997, which implies that some
parts of Crimea didn't.

If they're not the same, does anyone know what the largest city is in the
area that was on Ukraine time in 1994-1997, but is moving to Moscow time

The other, politically fraught, issue for the tzdb is going to be how to
mark Europe/Simferopol and any other new Crimean timezones in zone.tab,
i.e. whether they should keep being categorized as UA or changed to RU.  My
suggestion would be to leave them as UA until such time as Crimea's
accession to Russia is internationally recognized, or the situation
otherwise changes.

Jonathan Lennox
lennox at cs.columbia.edu

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