[tz] Egypt to change back to Daylight system!

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Mon May 12 19:49:37 UTC 2014

On 05/11/2014 08:25 AM, Mohamed Shageaa wrote:
> If yes, then this won’t be our case in Egypt, since the time will be 
> changed on the 16^th of May not the 15^th of May.

Thanks for the heads-up. Can you please supply a reliable source for 
this information, preferably in English? The news items that we have 
found say only "May 15" without specifying a time of day (please see 
below). If it's May 15 at 24:00 that would correspond to May 16 at 
00:00. However, I can't find any source specifying a time of day.



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