[tz] North Korea timezone will change the standard time.
Jongsoo Lee
jongsoo.lee at lge.com
Fri Aug 7 04:21:14 UTC 2015
North Korea's standard time will be GMT+8:30 from Aug. 15 2015.
According to the news, North Korea will push back its standard time by 30
minutes to mark the 70th anniversary of liberation from Japan's colonial
rule, the country's official news agency said Friday. North Korea's clocks
will be moved back a half-hour starting on the upcoming Aug. 15 anniversary,
the Korean Central News Agency said.
"The time at 127 degrees 30 minutes east longitude or 30 minutes later than
the present one shall be fixed as the standard time of the DPRK and called
Pyongyang time," the KCNA report said. DPRK is the country's official name,
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
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