[tz] Zone America/Glace_Bay

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Jul 18 16:48:04 UTC 2015

Hank W. wrote:
> The government of Glace Bay was dissolved on 1 Aug 1995
> when eight municipalities, including Glace Bay, were consolidated to form
> Cape Breton (a.k.a. CBRM, short for Cape Breton Regional Municipality),

Thanks for the info.  However, this all happened before America/Glace_Bay was 
entered into the tz database in 1996, and even had we known about it we probably 
wouldn't have been affected by it.

CBRM is a legal entity covering some 2500 km².  We typically prefer 
more-specific location names, even if they lack some official or legal status. 
To send physical mail there, one typically writes "Glace Bay, NS B1A 4X0" not 
"Cape Breton Regional Municipality, NS B1A 4X0", which indicates that the Glace 
Bay name is common usage and is a reasonable candidate for tzdata.

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