[tz] Uruguay out of DST

Deborah Goldsmith goldsmit at apple.com
Thu Jul 9 17:08:29 UTC 2015

Wouldn’t it be best to turn updates around as soon as the information is confirmed? There is a middle ground between “turn around tz changes relatively quickly” and “take many months to upgrade.” In fact, there’s a continuum of turnaround times. The sooner IANA makes a release, the sooner organizations can get the data out there.

Is there an advantage to waiting?


> On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:46 PM, Paul Eggert <eggert at CS.UCLA.EDU> wrote:
> On 07/08/2015 10:26 AM, Deborah Goldsmith wrote:
>> Is there a plan to release a new version of tz soon with the changes for Uruguay?
> There's no specific plan, no.
> I'd be surprised if a new version came out all that soon.  The Uruguay change doesn't take effect for three months, so there's no rush for organizations that can turn around tz changes relatively quickly.  Conversely, projects that take many months to upgrade will be late no matter what we do.
> That being said, we shouldn't wait indefinitely for a new version.

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