[tz] No DST for Uruguay since 2015

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Mon Jul 20 23:49:32 UTC 2015

Deborah Goldsmith wrote:
> is there something else we’re waiting for to release this change?

We're not waiting for anything in particular.  This is just the usual slow 
period during summer, where we can circulate less-urgent changes and give them 
time to sink in and be corrected.

It's long been common practice to not issue new releases unless there's a 
reasonably urgent need.  For example, last year we were notified July 1 of the 
Russia change, and a new release came out August 5.  There was no rush because 
the change didn't take effect until October.  This year we were notified June 30 
of the Uruguay change, a change that also doesn't take effect until October. 
There is no rush this year either.

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