[tz] Time zone identifiers in user interfaces

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Thu Jul 30 07:18:28 UTC 2015

Gilmore Davidson wrote:
> Given that the above snippet is around halfway through the file – and its wording still provides a fair bit of leeway – it’s not exactly enforcing the stronger opinions displayed on this list about how the IDs should be used.

We can move sections around in the file to put that snippet in the early going, 
and to emphasize the naming issues earlier.  This entails some rewording to 
avoid use-before-define problems.  Proposed patch attached (installed on the 
experimental github version).

I'm not sure what is meant by "a fair bit of leeway".  What would be less 
leeway, and why would less leeway be desirable?  Can you propose some wording 
along those lines?
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