[tz] Chilean time change
Yonathan Dossow
ydossow at inf.utfsm.cl
Tue Mar 3 15:29:58 UTC 2015
It has been published now in "Diario Oficial", and it is an extension
of CLST and EASST for two years, until March 25 2017.
extracts from "diario oficial":
Establécese que el adelanto de la hora oficial de Chile Continental dispuesto
en el Decreto Supremo N°1.489, de 1970, del Ministerio del Interior, se extenderá
hasta las 24 horas del sábado 25 de marzo de 2017.
Establécese que el adelanto de la hora oficial de Chile Insular Occidental
dispuesto en el Decreto Supremo N°1.142, de 1980, modificado por el Decreto
Supremo N°61, de 1982, ambos del Ministerio del Interior, se extenderá hasta las
24 horas del sábado 25 de marzo de 2017.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glenn Eychaner" <geychaner at me.com>
> To: "tz" <tz at iana.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, 24 February, 2015 09:13:25
> Subject: Re: [tz] Chilean time change
> As far as I know, an official announcement of the adoption of a new time
> change rule would have to appear in:
> http://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl
> and would also appear in:
> http://www.horaoficial.cl/cambio_hora.html
> I have been monitoring both on a daily basis, and thus far have seen nothing.
> So for now it's unclear to me whether this is a proposal or an announcement.
> -G.
> On Feb 24, 2015, at 9:00 AM, tz-request at iana.org wrote:
>> http://www.minenergia.cl/ministerio/noticias/generales/gobierno-anuncia-modificaciones-al.html
>> I[s] this the announcement of the proposal or the announcement of the adoption
>> of the proposal?
> --
> Glenn Eychaner (geychaner at lco.cl)
> Telescope Systems Programmer, Las Campanas Observatory
Yonathan Dossow Fono: +56 32 2654367
Unidad de Infraestructura y Tecnologia Departamento de Informatica
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Valparaiso, Chile
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