[tz] Official Announce of Chilean DST time permanently until March 2017

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Tue Mar 3 16:13:00 UTC 2015

On 03/03/2015 05:41 AM, Eduardo Romero Urra wrote:
> Today has been published officially that Chile will use the DST time 
> permanently until March 25 of 2017

Thanks, I installed the attached patch to the experimental version of 
the tz database on github, and it should appear in the next release.  
This patch affects only the commentary, as the tz data already 
incorporates the Chilean changes planned for this year and next.

Although I suppose Chile officially is supposed to revert to its old 
rules after March 2017, currently the tz data predicts that the new 
rules will be renewed indefinitely.  Like all our guesses about the 
future, this one is subject to revision as we get more information.
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