[tz] Chile TZ rule 1942 June superfluous? PS

michael.deckers michael.deckers at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 31 11:18:51 UTC 2015

   On 2015-03-29 18:46, Paul Eggert wrote about the Chile rules:

> Yes, that's right.  The line mentioning "Jul 15" can be removed without changing
> the meaning of the data.  I don't know why that line is there, but I suppose we
> can remove it.

   The same seems to hold true for the line
        Rule  Chile  1947   only   -   Apr 1   4:00u   0       -
   because its precursor
        Rule  Chile  1946   only   -   Sep 1   3:00u   0:00    -
   does the same, and (current) usage of the Chile rules never
   starts after 1946-09-01T03Z and on or before 1947-04-01T04Z.

   Michael Deckers.

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