[tz] Fallback rules?

Alfie John alfie at fastmail.com
Wed Nov 4 01:57:49 UTC 2015

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015, at 11:33 AM, Robert Elz wrote:
> Oh, I forgot to say in the last reply, that you (always) work out which
> rules apply from the Zone line, never from what is in the rules
> themselves.

Yep, that's what I was assuming.

> For Australia/Brisbane we have (as you indicated...)
>   Zone Australia/Brisbane 10:12:08 -      LMT     1895
>                           10:00   Aus     AE%sT   1971
>                           10:00   AQ      AE%sT
> The last of those lines has no "UNTIL" value, hence does not end
> (which is normal for a zone specification, time is not expected to
> end anywhere I know of, or not anytime within the range of tzdata.)

Awesome, thanks for that. So as Australia/Brisbane is still on AQ as
you say, and AQ no longer has any rules active, I should go with GMTOFF
= 10:00, meaning that Brisbane is currently equivalent as GMT+10 (i.e.
has no DST).


Alfie John
alfie at fastmail.com

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