[tz] CCTZ time zone library for C++ from Google

Bradley White bww at acm.org
Wed Oct 28 21:47:44 UTC 2015

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Andrew Paprocki <andrew at ishiboo.com> wrote:

> If you're interested in keeping up with C++ APIs, check out ours as well:
> https://bloomberg.github.io/bde/group__baltzo.html
> It is built atop date/time types (John Lakos designed) in a lower package.
> bdlt::Datetime (no offset/tz), bdlt::DatetimeTz (datetime + offset), and
> baltzo::LocalDatetime (datetime + iana tz string) to cover all the use
> cases. The baltzo package allows efficient conversion from one timezone to
> another using these types. Included in the package is a default
> process-wide cache to help speed everything up.
> baltzo::TimeZoneUtil contains the high level conversion routines:
> https://bloomberg.github.io/bde/group__baltzo__timezoneutil.html
> Feedback always welcome :)

As a point of comparison, cctz deals exclusively with *absolute time* (think
time_t), *civil time* (think YMDhms), and *time zone* (opaque).  So, there
is no distinction between TimeZoneUtil's example 1, "Converting a UTC time
to a Local Time", and example 2, "Converting a Local Time in One Time Zone
to Another Time Zone."  They are both instances of:

at = MakeTime(ct1, tz1)
ct2 = BreakTime(at, tz2)

Notice also that "offset" does not appear anywhere in those concepts.
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