[tz] Timezone in Brazil

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Oct 10 20:45:26 UTC 2015

Guy Harris wrote:
> Android is broken, and, apparently, doesn't make full use of the CLDR (or perhaps makes *no* use of the CLDR).

Android uses ICU and CLDR, and my Android 5.1.1 phone is not broken. If I change 
my phone’s Language to “Português (Brasil)”, and set time zones manually, it 
lists that time zone as “Horário Padrão de Brasília”.

Perhaps the user’s phone has an older or manufacturer-modified Android version. 
Or perhaps the user’s phone language is “Português (Portugal)”; in that language 
the time zone is listed as “São Paulo” on my phone, which is arguably not the 
best choice. If so, the workaround is obvious: switch to Brazilian Portuguese.

This is all outside the scope of the tzdata project. It’s possibly a CLDR 
problem. Marcio, please see <http://site.icu-project.org/bugs> and 
<http://cldr.unicode.org/index/bug-reports> for how to report bugs with ICU and 

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