[tz] question about SHA512 when using tzdata
Seán Coffey
sean.coffey at oracle.com
Mon Oct 19 14:16:43 UTC 2015
tzupdater needs http and https access to external sites when using
default settings. More instructions in the README on how to to set up
local installs.
On 14/10/15 09:38, gerar.moisset at orange.com wrote:
> Hello.
> Is it possible to have a howto procedure ot use SHA-512 checksums when
> using tzdata?
> I am getting some errors when trying to update our java, like this,
> //opt/jdksun64/1.7.0_71/bin/java -jar
> /opt/jdksun64/1.7.0_71/jre/lib/tzupdater.jar -f -l
> http://localhost:81/tzdata2015g.tar.gz -v/
> It returns,
> /tzupdater tool would update with tzdata version: tzdata2015g/
> /Error encountered while downloading
> https://javadl-esd-secure.oracle.com/update/tzupdater/tzdata2015g.tar.gz.sha512/
> And I don’t see very well how to use your SHA-512 checksums procedure.
> *Gérard Moisset *
> gerar.moisset at orange.com <mailto:gerar.moisset at orange.com>
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