[tz] Morocco to fall back Sept. 27, not Oct. 25
Mehdi.Erroussafi at inwi.ma
Mehdi.Erroussafi at inwi.ma
Mon Sep 21 11:14:31 UTC 2015
Dear all,
Please note this article talking about an official communication from ANRT telecom regulator, which confirm to us (as a telco operator) that it's Oct.25 :
Elmehdi Erroussafi
Manager Core Voice/Data/Vas
Direction opérations et maintenance
mobile : 0600 000 140
mail : mehdi.erroussafi at inwi.ma
site : www.inwi.ma
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-----Message d'origine-----
De : tz-bounces at iana.org [mailto:tz-bounces at iana.org] De la part de Paul Eggert
Envoyé : vendredi 18 septembre 2015 14:00
À : Steffen Thorsen; Time Zone Database
Objet : Re: [tz] Morocco to fall back Sept. 27, not Oct. 25
Steffen Thorsen wrote:
> First of all it says "Morocco returns to standard time (GMT) every
> year on the last Sunday of September, which marks this year September
> 27." which we know is not true for past two years.
Yes, I noticed that too. I interpreted it to mean that the general rule has been changed to last Sunday of September. Even if that sentence is technically correct, though, it is a reporting error; the article should have said that the general rule has changed, not merely given the new rule as if it has been that way for some time.
> Secondly, there are two user comments to the article, claiming it is
> wrong (and still in October).
Sure, but one of those objections cites Google, which uses tzdata, so that's not much of an objection; the other objection just says "Wrong. It's October 25th."
which is not much to go on.
> Finally, after spending some time on official websites and other news
> sites for Morocco, we have not found anything confirming this.
Yes, I had the same experience. The newest press release from that ministry:
is undated, but its metadata is Sept. 15. Quite likely there is some delay in getting their announcements online. Another possibility is that the actual decision has not been made and the news article is merely a trial balloon. I was more inclined to guess that the article reflects an official decision, though, as that news agency's predictions have been good in the past.
However, given the uncertainty mentioned above, and given the dueling article mentioned by Alexander Krivenyshev, I would like some better confirmation before making an official release.
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