[tz] Magallanes region from Chile will keep DST all year round

Juan Correa pottersys at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 14:24:16 UTC 2016

There is no official decree published yet, but it has been reported by
official Chilean government Twitter accounts that Magallanes región (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magallanes_Region) will keep DST (UTC -3) all
year round

- https://twitter.com/presidencia_cl/status/805398903604576256 (from Press
Office of the Presidency of Chile, "President Michelle Bachelet signs the
decree that establishes a single timezone for Magallanes región")
- https://twitter.com/AndresReboll/status/805398964690386944 (from Minister
of Energy, "after a participative (sic) process and thoughtful
investigation, decided to establish a single timezone (*summer*) for

As a reminder, Chile has (since 2016) DST from August to May following year

The biggest city in the region is Punta Arenas, with over 123 thousand
inhabitants. The whole population for Magallanes region is 164.661 people

As soon as the decree gets published, I'll share it here

Juan Correa Poblete
PS Labs (http://www.pslabs.cl)
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