[tz] Egypt to have DST again

Arthur David Olson arthurdavidolson at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 14:28:31 UTC 2016

> Perhaps the IANA should assess Egypt, Russia, etc. for clock changes made
on such short notice.

I can see the budget line item now: "Daylight Spending."


On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:

> On 07/02/2016 05:22 AM, Matt Johnson wrote:
>> Aharam Online, run by the state, is now acknowledging the July 5th date,
>> but has said there is no determined end date.  They acknowledge the
>> previous dates, but seem to indicate that this is a new and different
>> decision that is still unofficial.
> If the change really does happen July 5 (what time?), then at least
> tzdata's current guess of DST starting July 7 is better than its previous
> guess of no DST...
> The latest from Ahram Online (English), reporting on recent
> daylight-saving political jockeying, says that the IATA was told DST would
> be applied in July (no date specified for this notice), and that EgyptAir
> could face up to a $2 million payment to the IATA if Parliament cancels DST
> now (nothing said about the fine for changing the date by two days or so).
> Perhaps the IANA should assess Egypt, Russia, etc. for clock changes made
> on such short notice. That might increase the tz project's nominal budget
> from its current level of zero.
> My source:
> http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/232325/Egypt/Politics-/EgyptAir-could-lose-up-to--million-if-daylight-sav.aspx
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