[tz] Joda-Time, Time4J, and Java SE 8

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Jul 8 10:45:24 UTC 2016

On 07/08/2016 06:23 AM, Meno Hochschild wrote:
> it is not quite correct to say that Joda-Times "functionality is a 
> standard part of Java 8". It has rather inspired the development of 
> java.time-package in Java-8.

Thanks for the correction. Sorry, I don't know Joda-Time vs Java SE 8 vs 
Time4J well.

I'm trying to future-proof tz-link.htm. As I understand it from the 
Joda-Time web page, Joda-Time-using apps are expected to migrate to the 
Java SE 8 API, so future readers of tz-link.htm will mostly be using the 
Java API, with more-specialized uses (leap seconds? sorry, don't know 
the details) possibly using Time4J, and Joda-Time being a historical 

I installed the attached further patch into the experimental tz version 
on GitHub; I hope it addresses this point well enough. I'll CC: Stephen 
Colebourne to give him a heads-up, as I do want tz-link.htm to be accurate.
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