[tz] Google search results displaying wrong time for Egypt

Matt Johnson mj1856 at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 12 20:11:56 UTC 2016

> Don't set Adjust for DST when the country doesn't follow DST and you should be okay ;^p

One point to note - assuming you're talking about Windows - disabling DST is an acceptable workaround, but it also has the consequence of asserting that DST has NEVER existed.  Therefore, the only real solution that can properly reflect time both before and after the change is to apply an update (when available) and leave "Adjust for DST Automatically" enabled.

One place this turns up is that the TimeZoneInfo class in .NET applications has a property of TimeZoneInfo.Local.  This might be used by desktop and mobile applications to determine the users local time zone.  If the setting to use DST is disabled in the OS, then this property returns a TimeZoneInfo class with a single fixed offset and no adjustment rules, for any years, past, present, or future.   Also note that this only affect TimeZoneInfo.Local.  If one looks up the local time zone by its ID, then the adjustment rules (including the current now-incorrect rule) are indeed present in the resulting object.


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