[tz] Blog Post: On the Timing of Time Zone Changes

Mariano Absatz - el Baby baby at baby.com.ar
Tue Jul 26 01:43:43 UTC 2016

Well, it took me 3 months (actually, it took me a week in the hospital and
away from work which allowed me to concentrate in this), but I did
translate your excelent post into Spanish.

It is at
and, as you can see at the top, I credited you and linked to the original
post (if you want me to change anything about this, just tell me so).

I also added a personal addendum in the end (and clearly marked as mine) to
refer to the years when my country did the wildest things about timezone


Mariano Absatz - El Baby

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Matt Johnson <mj1856 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, I am fine with anyone translating and republishing as long as
> appropriate credit and linkback are provided.  Thanks.
> -Matt
> ------------------------------
> *From:* el.baby at gmail.com <el.baby at gmail.com> on behalf of Mariano Absatz
> - el Baby <baby at baby.com.ar>
> *Sent:* Monday, April 25, 2016 11:21 AM
> *To:* Matt Johnson
> *Cc:* Time zone mailing list
> *Subject:* Re: [tz] Blog Post: On the Timing of Time Zone Changes
> On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 8:15 PM, Matt Johnson <mj1856 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I've written a blog post describing the chaos that ensues when
>> governments don't provide enough notice of their changes to time zones.
>> http://codeofmatt.com/2016/04/23/on-the-timing-of-time-zone-changes/
>> <http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
> Hi Matt:
> Excelent post, thank you for writing (and publishing it). I've been on
> this list for quite some time but I usually read it only now and then or
> when Argentina's government dedides to do "the stupid thing". Since we've
> been stuck on the same TZ for quite a few years now, I seldom come here.
> In October 2008 (after a tzdata update was missed by several sources) I
> wrote a post mostly to explain to my connationals WTF had happened that
> weekend (https://clueless.com.ar/que-hora-es). A few days later I
> published a plead to sysadmins from different provinces asking for
> information (with sources) about wheather TZ change would go on as planned
> or (most likely) be suspended as in most of the country.
> I am quite busy at the moment but, nonetheless, I'd very much like to
> translate your post into Spanish (obviously giving you credit and linking
> to the original post). Would you mind me translating it and publishing it?
> (or I could send you the translation and you can publish it if you prefer).
> --
> Mariano Absatz - El Baby
> www.clueless.com.ar
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