[tz] Asia/Tomsk

Stepan Golosunov stepan at golosunov.pp.ru
Thu Jun 2 21:25:05 UTC 2016

03.06.2016 в 03:16:15 +0700 Pavel V. Rochnyack написал:
> 02.06.2016 22:37, Paul Eggert wrote:
> >Another reason for not using these abbreviations, which I haven't
> >perhaps made clear, is to avoid arbitrating disputes over what the time
> >zone abbreviations should be. A user could reasonably complain "Why are
> >you making up an abbreviation that calls it Krasnoyarsk Time? This is
> >Tomsk, not Krasnoyarsk!" The current kerfuffle is just the tip of the
> >iceberg, and the problem will get worse as the number of tzdata names
> >increases.
> There is the same cities (Novosibirsk / Krasnoyarsk) in timezones on Android
> and Windows OS (and there are a lot of users of these OS), so you can treat
> these as common-used names for timezones.
> I suppose what this argument, together with the previously listed arguments,
> is enough to set abbreviations in 'Asia/Tomsk' to NOVT/KRAT like already
> done in 'Asia/Novokuznetsk'.
> Also please note what 'Asia/Novokuznetsk' uses not only similar schema of
> 'to take abbreviations from nearby timezone' but the same timezones.

And which one of the NOVT and KRAT should be used when both
Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk will be in the same time zone?
(This will likely be the case by the end of this year.)

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