[tz] Egypt TZ Update

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis at systematicsw.ab.ca
Sun Jun 12 21:50:13 UTC 2016

On 2016-06-12 13:15, Paul Eggert wrote:
> Brian Inglis wrote:
>> and change the line:
>> Rule    Egypt    2016    only    -    Jul     7    24:00    1:00	S
>> to:
>> Rule    Egypt    2016    only    -    Jul     8    24:00    1:00	S
> Why would that change be necessary? As I understand it, DST is
> planned to start on July 7 at 24:00, i.e., July 8 at 00:00 (not
> 24:00).

Sorry got distracted checking sources for the change time and meant to post:

Rule    Egypt    2016    only    -    Jul     8    01:00    1:00	S

as sources (some vague) seem to indicate 01.00 local for the change time.
Given the quality of information sources, waiting for official confirmation
seems prudent and necessary in this case.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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