[tz] Chile goes back to DST (...)

Paul_Koning at dell.com Paul_Koning at dell.com
Fri Mar 18 15:38:41 UTC 2016

On Mar 18, 2016, at 7:03 AM, Eduardo Romero Urra <eromerou at interior.gov.cl<mailto:eromerou at interior.gov.cl>> wrote:

Dear Paul,

Today has been publishied the official report for the DST change for Chile, includes rules until May of 2019


GMT --04 : Starts at second Saturday of May at 24:00 Hrs

Is that the same as "Sunday after the second saturday of May, at 00:00 hrs?

I noticed the announcement also states that the same rule (but with an offset of -6 hours instead of -4) applies to Easter Island and Sala y Gomez Islands.


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