[tz] Azerbaijan canceled daylight saving time

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Wed Mar 23 23:01:42 UTC 2016

Thanks to everybody who sent in a heads-up about Azerbaijan. Release 
2016c of the tz database (released today) has an update for Asia/Baku 
that should bring it up to date. Please see:


Although 2016c should eventually propagate into the systems that use the 
tz database, this propagation process may take a while. As a temporary 
workaround Azerbaijani users can set the time zone to some other value 
in order to have computer-based clocks work correctly for time stamps 
after this weekend. Possible TZ settings include 'AZT-4', 'Asia/Dubai', 
'Asia/Tbilisi', 'Asia/Yerevan', and 'Europe/Samara'.

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