[tz] Asia/Tomsk
Victor Sudakov
vas at mpeks.tomsk.su
Thu May 26 03:30:20 UTC 2016
Ian Abbott wrote:
> > 2. Such an abbreviation is not user friendly and even borders on
> > offensive. A locality deserves a name!
> On the positive side, at least it lets the user know how far the time
> zone is from UTC!
That's what 'date +%z' is for.
Seriously, if there is a trend to abandon symbolic names, there is
probably no use inventing a name for the newborn Asia/Tomsk zone. As
can be seen from the map http://world-time-zones.ru/russia.htm
the history of Tomsk time is the process of oscillations between the
Omsk and Krasnoyarsk zones, so I suggest:
Zone Asia/Tomsk 5:39:51 - LMT 1919 Dec 22
6:00 - OMST 1930 Jun 21
7:00 Russia OMS%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
6:00 Russia OMS%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
7:00 Russia OMS%sT 2002 May 1 3:00
6:00 Russia OMS%sT 2011 Mar 27 2:00s
7:00 - OMST 2014 Oct 26 2:00s
6:00 - OMST 2016 May 29 2:00s
7:00 - KRAT
Victor Sudakov, VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
sip:sudakov at sibptus.tomsk.ru
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