[tz] Anecdotal discrepancy for Navajo nation in Arizona

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Thu May 26 22:33:28 UTC 2016

On 26 May 2016 at 17:19, Deborah Goldsmith <goldsmit at apple.com> wrote:

> My understanding was that the TZ database reflected what users are
> actually doing, rather than what government policy is. Has that changed?

No, but the TZ database only cares that there exist a set of people/places
who use Mountain Time with DST (America/Denver) and a separate set of
people/places who use Mountain Time without DST (America/Phoenix).  It has
never really concerned itself with where any borders between those regions
are, no matter how simple or complex.

However, if there were a historical case where a region once observing DST
decided to stop, or a region once not using DST decided to start, then that
would be codified as a new zone, since the rulesets would differ from both
America/Denver and America/Phoenix.  But perhaps if only a small handful of
people are affected by these effective border changes, it *may* be too
insignificant to bother.

Tim Parenti
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