[tz] Historical discrepancies for Italy.
Brian Inglis
Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca
Mon Oct 24 05:53:00 UTC 2016
On 2016-10-23 15:38, Pierpaolo Bernardi wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 10:57 PM, Michael H Deckers via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
>> INRIM can only disseminate time as determined by law or decree or order
>> issued before
>> the fact. What the Romans do is always a different matter, and is
>> difficult to
>> determine 70 years later. Besides, in recent cases where legal time has
>> been observed
>> to differ from widespread usage (eg Turkey), the tz database describes
>> legal time.
>> For 1967..1979, all steps in the Italian time scale were announced in
>> the "Gazzetta Ufficiale", as required by the law:
> Since much before 1967.
> But the actual laws are extremely confused. I checked one, and it does
> not agree with INRIM. I trust more the INRIM. This one is about the
> end of DST for 1944:
> http://www.normattiva.it/atto/caricaDettaglioAtto?atto.dataPubblicazioneGazzetta=1944-09-30&atto.codiceRedazionale=044U0219
>> Anyway, these sources seem to agree with the tables of INRIM.
> The single one I checked does not agree :(
> (I'll add this to my not yet written email to INRIM)
Free rendition from Google Translate output [additions thus] below.
TL;DR: I thought those INRIM non-Sunday dates were suspicious!
Rule Italy 1944 only - Apr 2 [Sun] 02:00 1:00 S
Rule Italy 1944 only - Sep 17 [Sun] 03:00 0 -
Not a very stable search tool - provided the legislation after some prodding!
I saved a copy of the original legislation if others have issues.
It would be great if you could provide more links to similar material here
for reference, and copy INRIM for their feedback.
Interesting legally exact designation below of the repeated hour as hour 2-bis,
which I have not seen mentioned similarly elsewhere in any legislation.
14 September 1944, no. 219
Restoration of Standard Time. (044U0219)
(OJ 62 of 30.9.1944)
In virtue of the authority delegated to Us;
Given the R. decree 10 August 1893, no. 490, concerning the adoption by Italy,
of the 2nd time zone (Central European Time);
Given the R. law decreed on 29 March 1944, no. 92, by which standard time is
advanced to sixty minutes later starting at hour two on 2 April 1944;
Given the Viceregal law decreed on 25 June 1944, no. 151;
Given the decision of the Council of Ministers;
On the proposal of the President of the Council of Ministers, Prime
Ministerial Secretary of State;
We sanction and proclaim as follows:
Art. 1.
Starting at hour three on the date 17 September 1944 standard time will be
resumed. The actual legal time will therefore, at that moment be set back to 60
minutes earlier to put this in effect.
Art. 2.
The resulting time, obtained by the postponement of art. 1, will be regarded,
for all legal purposes, as hour 2-bis.
We order all concerned to comply with this decree and to observe it as a State
Dated in Rome, on 14 September 1944
(signed) [Ivanoe] BONOMI [Prime Minister]
Keeper of the Seal: [Umberto?] Tupini
Registered at the Court of Auditors, on 22 September 1944
Civil Service Bureau Registry no. 1, page no. 109. - EMANUEL
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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