[tz] Historical discrepancies for Italy.
Michael Deckers
michael.h.deckers at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 24 08:38:51 UTC 2016
Thanks for the patch proposed on 2016-10-24 05:53
to the Rules for Italy.
I am still puzzled by some disagreements in the sources
for 1944, and I will look further into it.
A tiny bit could be mended in Europe/Rome:
The source
quotes a law of 1893-08-10:
Art. 1
Il servizio delle strade ferrate in tutto il Regno d'Italia verrà
regolato secondo il tempo solare medio del meridiano situato a 15 gradi
all’Est di Greenwich, che si denominerà tempo dell’Europa Centrale.
[The railway service in the whole kingdom of Italy will be regulated
according to mean solar time of the meridian placed 15 degrees east
of Greenwich, which will be called central European time.]
Art. 2
[Time of day to be counted from midnight to midnight
for railway purposes,]
Art. 3
Le disposizioni precedenti entreranno in vigore nell'istante in cui,
secondo il tempo specificato all’art. 1°, incomincerà il 1°
Novembre 1893, e da quell’istante cesserà di avere vigore qualunque
altra disposizione contraria.
[The preceding dispositions will enter into force at the instant
at which, according to the time specified in the 1st article,
the 1st of November 1893 will begin, and from this instant any
other contrary dispositions will end to be in force.]
This implies that the step in Europe/Rome near 1893-11-01 was planned
as a jump from 23:49:56 h to 00 h, not as a jump from 00 h to 00:10:04 h.
- 0:49:56 - RMT 1893 Nov 1 0:00s # Rome Mean
+ 0:49:56 - RMT 1893 Oct 31 23:49:56s # Rome Mean
Michael Deckers.
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