[tz] 2016g tagged but not released

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Tue Sep 20 17:01:02 UTC 2016

On 09/16/2016 03:12 AM, Andreas Stieger wrote:
> 2016g was tagged on github three days ago, but it was not put
> up on the IANA archive.

Yes, release 2016g (which has the recent change for Turkey) is final and 
will not be changed. Any further changes will go into 2016h or 2017a or 
whatever. Unfortunately ICANN is backlogged and so the 2016g tarballs 
have not yet been published on the iana.org website. I plan to ping them 
in a few days if they are not up by then. In the meantime you can get a 
copy of 2016g as an attachment to my earlier email to the tz list, 
archived here:


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